
I often want to know what time it is where another person lives.
People on this forum live all over the world.
If you live in a different city, or state or country from your friend. Then, very likely, it is a different time where your friend lives.

Have a look at this map. It is just what I wanted.
There are other things on the site as well. Why don't you have a look around.
If you especially like anything, you can come back and tell us about it.

Just copy and paste the address at the top of this post into your address bar at the top of your page.
 Feb 9, 2014
 Feb 10, 2014
There's a really big difference between our respective country Melody.

Right now, here in quebec, the time is 11:39AM, and we are the 13th march 2014

For you, it's 2:39AM and you're the 14th march 2014...

That's crazy lol.
 Mar 13, 2014

There's a really big difference between our respective country Melody.

Right now, here in quebec, the time is 11:39AM, and we are the 13th march 2014

For you, it's 2:39AM and you're the 14th march 2014...

That's crazy lol.

hi Sam,
I am glad that you like the map. I like it too.
And yes, time is really interesting.
The earth spins on its axis every 24 hours. So at any point in time it will be night for some and day for others.
The Earth spins on its North South axis.
One complete spin is 360 degrees.
24 hours = 360degrees of longitude
1 hour = 360/24
1 hour = 15 degrees of longitude
This is how time and angles directly relate to one another.
degrees are split into minutes and seconds and
hours are split into minutes and seconds
A minute of time is not the same as a minute of angle but they are related to one another by the rotation of the Earth on its axis.
Here is a diagram that might help you understand.
If you imagine the sun over on the right hand side of the picture then it will be the middle of the day in Australia and the middle of the night in Canada.
That time zone map is really cool. I look at it every day. I like to know what time it is for everyone on the forum.

140314 longitude.JPG
 Mar 14, 2014

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